Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. Currently City on a Hill is an incorporated non-profit in the state of Missouri and received federal 501c3 status, effective February 2022.
The past 5+ years have proven fruitful in understanding the purpose, goal, and mission of City on a Hill. There is no doubt that City on a Hill is one of the most established and prevalent young adult communities in the nation!
We are hopeful that City on a Hill will have the freedom to grow within Kansas City and even beyond in the years to come!
City on a Hill is largely funded through one-time & monthly gifts! Increased financial support will allow us to increase our staff… which will then allow us to offer greater formation opportunities, to offer inspiration for young adults pursuing sainthood in Kansas City!
Short answer: YES!
City on a Hill maintains a similar organizational structure to lay apostolates that are some of the most fruitful endeavors in the Church, such as FOCUS, Evangelical Catholic, St. Paul Street Evangelization, Life Teen, NET, Dynamic Catholic, etc.
In other words, this means that while City on a Hill will not have structural or administrative ties to the diocese, the diocese (particularly the local bishop) will continue to assist, encourage, and support City on a Hill.
Because City on a Hill continues its mission to young adults within the Kansas City area, the Diocese of Kansas City - St. Joseph will continue to provide monetary support for City on a Hill with funds from the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA). City on a Hill also maintains close ties and working relationships with the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.
For gifts set up through DonorBox, you may log in to your profile to make changes to your gifts. If you have never logged in, use the email associated with your gift and reset your password. For questions, please contact Luke Murray, Director of Advancement, at
Please do not send credit card numbers or bank information through email. You can also email us to cancel your current monthly gift.
Directly to the City on a Hill Young Adult Apostolate! As such, all donations to City on a Hill are tax-deductible.
Increased financial support will allow us to plan and host events, direct and form the leaders, and build up and strengthen City on a Hill for years to come.
You may log in to your DonorBox account if you set up a one-time or monthly gift online.
Or email Luke Murray (, Director of Advancement, to receive a receipt for cash, check, or donor-advised fund gifts.
Email Luke Murray, Director of Advancement, for any other questions you may have at
Thank you for your support!
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