Apostolic Life Course
The goal of the Apostolic Life Course is to immerse participants in the Church's inspiring teaching on the unique mission of lay persons, so that they can develop an imagination for what it might look like in their own lives. Participants will also leave the course with a personalized, concrete commitment to their unique mission.
This course has been made possible thanks to a generous anonymous donor. Thank you to the anonymous donor and to Fr. Mattingly and Catherine Cheney for their work shaping the course and the content.
When: Once in each of the fall and spring semesters for 14 weeks
Where: Hosted at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Mission and in the homes of generous hosts around the Kansas City area
How to apply: Please fill out the application below by December 28th to be considered for the Winter-Spring 2025 semester.
"The Apostolic Life Course taught me that evangelization is not just an option but a duty, calling us to share the message of Christ's love and mercy. During this course, and through prayer and discernment, I felt a desire to participate in God's mission by spreading the Gospel, and specifically encountering other young adults."
Outline of Course Content:
Week 1: Welcome and Introduction to the Course
Week 2: Mission of the Trinity
Week 3: Mission of the Church
Week 4: Types of Lay Mission
Week 5: Equipment for Mission
Week 6: The Apostle’s Worldview
Week 7: The Apostle’s Role
Week 8: The Apostle’s Hidden Life
Week 9: Sanctifying the Temporal Order and Works of Mercy
Week 10: The Gospel and Our Response
Week 11: How to Evangelize
Week 12: The Apostolate of Sanctification and Friendship
Week 13: Discernment
Week 14: Commissioning and Celebration
Applications close December 28th.
"The Church fulfills her mission when she guides every member of the faithful to discover and live his or her own vocation in freedom and to bring it to fulfillment in charity [ . . . ] Each one, therefore, must be helped to embrace the gift entrusted to him as a completely unique person, and to hear the words which the Spirit of God personally addresses to him."
Pastores Dabo Vobis, 40